The Grace Community Church was started as an independent Urdu congregation and in earlier days had no permanent home.
In 2008 we joined the Church of England and started to worship at St. Edmund's church. We are a congregation of St Edmund's church in the diocese of Manchester. Members of our congregation are on St Edmund's parochial church council.
Members of the Grace Community live across Greater Manchester and many also attend local parish churches of varying denominations. The congregation is well integrated into the Church of England and with several members leading worship alongside our clergy.
Every year we have an Annual Convention which is attended by over 100 people.
Church Services
Our service, predominately in Urdu Language is at 4pm on a Sunday afternoon. Twice a month this is a Holy Communion service.
At St Edmund's, our style of worship is broadly evangelical, based around C.of E. Common Worship, with bible-based teaching to encourage us to show the love of God in our community. We sing a range of Geets and Zabour led by our choir and accompanied on Harmonium and Tabla.
We start off all together and then most weeks children move to separate rooms for age-appropriate teaching and activities (see Growing section). Sometimes we all stay together for all-age-worship, and sometimes the Youth lead our services.
Grace Community is a family of people who speak Urdu, many having Pakistani herritage, and as well as Sunday services we have opportunities for fellowship and an annual outing.
Pastoral care
"they'll know we are Christian by our love ..."
It is part of our calling as Christians to care for people, both those within our local Christian community and across our parishes.
Revd. Tony Hardy has particular responsibility for the care of people at St. Edmund's.
Contact Tony for support.
Supporting Mission Partners
St. Monica's School, Pakistan.
Through our Parochial Church Council's missionary giving we support a number of students in St. Monica's High School, Kasur, Pakistan.
Teaching on Sundays
Our bible readings in our services follow the same patern as many C.of E. churches (the lectionary) and sermons are preached based on these readings to encourage us to live for Christ and follow his teaching. Depending on who is preaching the sermon may be given in Urdu or English.