More Than Sunday...

 #MorethanSunday is a year-long programme run by the Diocese of Manchester which aims to grow our faith and increase our discipleship and will be launched on 1 July 2019.

What does it mean to be a disciple and how does our faith impact on our everyday life? What do we feel called to do because of our faith?

You can sign up to #MoreThanSunday and will receive a monthly email outlining a theme and suggested actions for that month, along with a podcast featuring local people who have a particular insight to share. You can join the online community, sharing your journey on Twitter and Instagram, using the hashtag #MoreThanSunday and meeting fellow disciples in our diocese-wide Facebook group. 

The hope is that #MoreThanSunday will not only deepen our faith and increase our engagement with our communities, but also connect us with other people who share our faith and our discipleship journey.

Every month, #MoreThanSunday will suggest a different theme for thought and to act upon. 

July - Doubt
August - Worship
September - Creation
October - Forgiveness
November - Friendship
December - Waiting
January - Justice
February - Generations
March - Generosity
April - Witness
May - Community
June – Invitation

Bishop Davis writes…In the years before clergy had Ministerial Development Reviews, a wise nun from Whitby acted as my work consultant. Once, in preparing to meet with her, I made a list of all the things I did and then arranged them under headings according to what role I was in when I was doing them. 

I chaired the PCC as vicar, presided at the Eucharist as priest, but what amazed me was how much of my time and my activities came under the headings of “baptised Christian” and “member of the local church”. Praying at home, reading the bible, collecting for Christian Aid, volunteering with a Housing Association, serving on the civil Parish Council, giving a tenth of my income to church and charity - none of these either required ordination or particularly benefited from it.

Next month we will be launching #MoreThanSunday. It’s a lay-led project that focuses on all that we do as followers of Jesus that doesn’t require a special calling.

It will offer ideas and challenges about how we can live out our faith and deepen our discipleship across all seven days of the week. There will be podcasts and reflections to inspire us, along with actions that we can try to challenge and strengthen our everyday faith.

It won’t be about cramming yet more into already over busy lives but will acknowledge what we’re already doing and encourage us to see faith and life as a single journey, deeper into the heart of God. 

Watch the video at



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