We are a multi-ethnic all-age congregation where everyone is welcomed and included in the life of our church.
Quotes from members:
"When I first came to church I felt although I'd left home, I had come back home, because it was so welcoming" - Thelma (who came from Barbados in 1965)
"St. Ed's has always been mission minded. A number of people have gone to work in the mission field" - Shirley
"After losing my husband I was invited to the Coffee Morning at St. Ed's, and then to the Sunday morning congregation, and now I'm a different woman!' - Doreen
Some photographs: (click to expand and scroll though them)
St Edmund's
Our Parish
St Edmund's Parish covers part of Whalley Range and the Alexandra Park Estate in Moss Side. Our northern boundary is Moss Lane West, our southern boundary is Brantingham Road. We are in a United Benefice with the parish of St. James' with St. Clement's Moss Side.
Church Services
Our main English Language service is at 10:30am on a Sunday morning. Twice a month this is a Holy Communion service.
5th Sunday of the month we have a joint service: 30th March 2025 will be 10.30am at St James M14 4TH
At St Edmund's, our style of worship is broadly evangelical, based around C.of E. Common Worship, with bible-based teaching to encourage us to show the love of God in our community. We sing a range of traditional and contemporary hymns and songs, led by the Music Group and organist.
We start off all together and then most weeks children move to a separate room for age-appropriate teaching and activities. Sometimes we all stay together for all-age-worship.
You can find recordings of our services, together with those from St. James' on our YouTube channel:
St. Edmund's is family of people from many nations, and as well as Sunday services we have -
Coffee Morning
A lively group meeting on Wednesdays at 10:30am at St Edmund's, with a programme of bible study and a variety of talks. The coffee morning has a program of alternating Bible Studies and other activities or talks.
Read morePastoral care
“they’ll know we are Christian by our love ...”
It is part of our calling as Christians to care for people, both those within our local Christian community and across our parishes.
Jackie Dixon is a member of St Edmund’s and helps to coordinate pastoral care.
Supporting Mission Partners
We also support a range of other mission organisations including
House of Joshua in the Philippines
A hospital in Nigeria
A school in Pakistan
A church community project in Jamaica
Janet Palmer is the contact for all our mission support at St. Edmund’s
Teaching on Sundays
Our bible readings in our services follow the same patern as many C.of E. churches (the lectionary) and sermons are preached based on these readings to encourage us to live for Christ and follow his teaching.
You can find recordings of our services, together with those from St. James' on our YouTube channel:
Buildings and Facilities
St Edmunds Congregations meet for worship in a building which was once the church halls.
We have the main church area which is carpetted and has moveable chairs so the layout is flexible. This is used for worship on Sundays but may also be used for community meetings midweek.
There is a hall which has a hard floor and is suitable for parties etc, and a lounge which is carpetted and has soft furnishing. The hall and lounge have a sliding partition between them and can be joined to form one large space.
A kitchen serves the main church area and the lounge through serving hatches.
The building has Wi-Fi and the main church area has audio and video facilities with a large screen.
Individual rooms and the whole building may be hired.
St. Mary's Primary School
St. Mary's Church of England Primary School, Moss Side, although named after the long-gone parish of St. Mary's, is within the parish of St. Edmund's and linked to our church. St. Edmund's appoints the Foundation Governors, and this helps the school maintain it's distinctive Christian character, whilst at the same time serving the needs of pupils from many different religious and cultural backgrounds.
In St. Mary's pupils are able to explain how key Christian values relate to their rights and responsibilities, and these values are evident across the curriculum and in the daily life of the school. The achievement and progress of pupils from their starting points is exceptionally high.
The daily act of collective worship is central to the life of the school and all members of the school community play an enthusiastic part. The themes chosen are planned around the seasons of the church year, religious festivals and key events. The school’s deep commitment to the UNICEF Children’s Charter of Rights is skilfully linked to Christian values and experience, producing worship which is inspiring and engaging.
All leaders consistently articulate and embody a deeply held Christian vision for the children to be ‘the best they can be’. This is based on a ‘can do’ philosophy which recognises every child as precious in God’s sight. As a result, the whole community has an absolute belief in every child’s potential to achieve exceptionally well.
The school has developed an effective link with Mumbai in India via the Concerns Universe Foundation. Together with other work such as Fairtrade and Changeover Day, teachers are ensuring that the children have a rounded understanding both of the diversity in their own community, and of global concerns, including empowering women and children in Mumbai.
For more information please follow the link to the school website: