St James'

St. James is a welcoming church, with a friendly, welcoming and helpful congregation. 

We draw members from the community of Moss Side and beyond. An Anglican congregation for Marathi speaking people worships as part of St James and is open to all.

The original church, known as the Iron Church, was built in 1879 on the land where the current church building stands today. A new stone church was built to replace this in 1888. Unfortunately, due to the building's deterioration, this was demolished in 1988. The building which stands today was completed in the early 1990's.

Our Parish

The parish of St James with St Clements takes in both the brewery and Asda in the north and extends westward across Princess Parkway and the Alexandra Park Estate. The southern border is Bowes Street alongside where the old bus depot was situated. We are in a United Benefice with the parish of St. Edmund’s, Whalley Range.

Church Services

Our main English Language service is at 10:30am on a Sunday morning. Twice a month this is a Holy Communion service.

At St James', our style of worship is traditional low-church, based around C.of E. Common Worship, with bible-based teaching to encourage us to show the love of God in our community. We sing a range of traditional and contemporary hymns and songs, led by a pianist and a growing music group.

We start off all together and then most weeks children move to a separate room for age-appropriate teaching and activities. Occasionally we all stay together for all-age-worship.

St. James' is family of people from many nations, and as well as Sunday services we have -

Pastoral care

"they'll know we are Christian by our love ..."

It is part of our calling as Christians to care for people, both those within our local Christian community and across our parishes.

Revd. Sachin Awale has particular responsibility for the care of people at St. James.

Contact Sachin  for support.

Supporting Mission Partners

Children's Society

Right now in Britain there are children and young people who are facing one, or many disadvantages. The Children's Society work with these young people step by step for as long as it takes. We support The Children's Society through our annual Christingle services every December at St James'

Christian Aid

The church founded Christian Aid Week to fight for equality, dignity and freedom for all. By holding a church collection every year during Christian Aid week, we help to support some of our most vulnerable sisters and brothers – like the communities in Sierra Leone that are the focus on this year's Christian Aid Week.

Teaching on Sundays

Our bible readings in our services follow the same patern as many C.of E. churches (the lectionary) and sermons are preached based on these readings to encourage us to live for Christ and follow his teaching.

You can find recordings of our services, together with those from St. Edmund's on our YouTube channel:


We have a large meeting hall which is used for worship on Sundays but may also be used for community meetings midweek.

There is also a small meeting room.

A kitchen is situated to one side of the hall.

The building has Wi-Fi and the main hall has a large screen with audio facilities.

The building and rooms may be hired.

Contact us about Room Hire


How to find us
Join us at:
St James' Church
95A Princess Road
Moss Side
M14 4TH
This week @ St James'
Sunday 19th May
Morning Worship at St James'